christi cosette

Own It, Own It All

The more we work on ourselves, the more successful we will be in all aspects of our lives. Dawn Dahlby is a successful entreprenuer, speaker and Author of Live WELLthy, and she attributes her success to decades of personal development work. She works on herself so she can be better for those around you. Her…

Diverse business colleagues discussing about new projects
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The Power of Intentional Communications in the Workplace

According to research by Gartner, 70% of a company’s mistakes are due to poor communication. A poor workplace communication standard often leaves employees feeling unmotivated, leading to an unhappy and unproductive team. Creating intentional communication channels is key to creating a culture of trust. It leads to increased productivity, fewer mistakes, a more motivated team,…

Women happily work together.
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The Great Culture Recalibration

Creating and maintaining a strong culture in your business is a critical factor in driving sustainable business results, and the solution to creating a competitive advantage. And while 90% of executives say culture is important, only 15% of them say their culture is where they want it to be.  We’re going to break down the…

workplace culture

Top 10 Things Leaders Must Be Doing to Retain Top Talent

Retaining top talent isn’t easy, their skills and mindsets are always going to be in demand. And the competition can be fierce. This is our top ten list, of course there is more you can do to retain your employees, but these are the 10 that we think are imperative. Spoiler Alert! Every single one…

employee trust

How Employee Trust Can Support Company-Wide Adoption of Gen AI

How Employee Trust Can Support Company-Wide Adoption of Gen AI Even with a bullet-proof  strategy, employee adoption of artificial intelligence tools will ultimately determine the successful rollout and implementation in your organization. Taking the right steps to find balance between human interactions and automation is not an easy task for companies undergoing transformation, but will…