woman relaxing by desk

4 Tips to Overcome Employee Restlessness

The ‘great resignation’ might be over, but that doesn’t mean your employees aren’t restless and are potentially looking to make a change. A recent survey of almost 60,000 workers found that employees were happier and more satisfied during the pandemic than today. So, what can you do as a leader to help combat employee restlessness?…

Win in 2024 by Focusing on the Strengths of Your People

Win in 2024 by Focusing on the Strengths of Your People

In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to stay ahead of the curve. While technology and innovation play a significant role in achieving success, it is essential not to overlook one of the most valuable assets any company has – its PEOPLE. Employees often possess untapped potential that goes unnoticed or underutilized….

Boosting Employee Engagement: Unleashing the Power of Effective Leadership

Boosting Employee Engagement: Unleashing the Power of Effective Leadership

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations are grappling with the challenge of unlocking their employees’ full potential. With hybrid work models becoming more prevalent, it has become imperative to rethink employee engagement strategies that go beyond physical presence and productivity statistics.  To truly tap into the power of your workforce, effective leadership plays a…

superpower success podcast tile

The Impact of Restlessness

There is a new tension evolving in the business world.  This tension of restlessness on the side of the employees and frustration from leaders.  We each want more, but we aren’t sure what we need.  Our energy is low and it’s compounding the issue.  Dena Mayne, COO of Keystone discusses her perspective and guidance on…

modern ceo

The Evolving Role of CEOs in Modern Business

The role of a CEO has undergone a significant transformation over the years. Gone are the days when their responsibilities were confined to managing board and customer relationships, as well as overseeing financials and risk management.  Today, the emphasis is shifting towards soft skills, which ironically are often the harder skills to master. Modern CEOs…

Embracing Adaptability and Resiliency Over Domain Expertise in Leadership

Embracing Adaptability and Resiliency Over Domain Expertise in Leadership

As we sail through the uncharted waters of today’s business landscape, a critical question emerges more frequently in our dialogues with leaders and organizations: “In this realm of relentless change, what holds more water – domain expertise or qualities like adaptability and resiliency?” The answer, while it may surprise some, is crystallizing with increasing clarity….

Recognize the Impact of Bad Leadership: Avoid Common Pitfalls and Mistakes

Recognize the Impact of Bad Leadership: Avoid Common Pitfalls and Mistakes

In today’s fast-paced and diverse workplace, effective leadership is the linchpin that can spell the difference between success and failure. But what happens when leadership goes awry?  One of our recent podcast guests, Eric Harkins, speaks to the profound impact of poor leadership choices and highlights the importance of recognizing and rectifying bad leadership behavior,…

The Crucial Role of Culture in Your 2024 Strategic Plan

The Crucial Role of Culture in Your 2024 Strategic Plan

In my recent video, I discuss strategic planning for 2024. I emphasized an often overlooked point: organizational culture isn’t just a soft skill or a buzzword—it’s a make-or-break factor for your strategic goals. And it’s time we treat it as such. Holistic Strategy: More Than Just Market Goals When we talk about business strategy, most…