I’ve always been intrigued by the fact that some businesses in the same industry can flourish in crisis while others struggle to stay afloat. Over years of working with hundreds of companies on their strategy, growth and team health, one common denominator has emerged among the companies that withstand anything that comes their way. They are like MMA fighters, blocking and deflecting every punch that the world throws at them. The difference? They are change-resilient organizations.

Walking Towards Change

Organizations spend most of their time in a constant state of change — whether it’s a merger or acquisition opportunity, a leadership departure or change, or a new product or service in a market. Our teams are constantly staring change in the face, and there are really only two options when you are in that place: Walk toward the change or stand still. Walking toward change takes courage for our teams because there are often just as many unknowns as knowns. It’s like walking through the fog while having the confidence that you know where you’re going, even though you can’t see the path in front of you. 

Teams that walk toward change have built on a skill that other teams don’t have. They are resilient. They know they won’t get every step right. They know there will be some stumbles, and they also have the confidence that they will figure it out. Our entire world is in a state of change that most of us have never experienced in our lifetimes. Yet we keep moving. We take each day as it comes, make decisions based on what we know and keep moving.  

This is exactly how a change-resilient organization operates. The organization’s team members have a long-term vision. They know where they want to go, but they also know the path to their vision will be filled with obstacles, left turns and some big mountains to climb. But they take the path anyway. They realize that it’s all part of the journey to success, personally and for the business. They realize they are, as Simon Sinek describes, playing an “infinite game.” There is no winner or finish line in the game of success, and each new accomplishment and failure is another notch on your belt to give you the confidence to keep moving.  

Building Resilience

As leaders, what are we doing in our organizations to help create resilience? What can we do to ensure our teams build this skill so that we can use it when the hard stuff happens? Resilience is not built on the easy route; it’s built from the wrong turns, U-turns and the occasional route remapping.  

Here are a few tips to help your team members build their resilience:

Ask better questions.  

When something doesn’t go as planned, don’t focus on what went wrong in the past, ask what you can learn from it to inform the future. Keep your team’s head in the game and thinking forward.  

Walk the walk.  

We want our teams to take chances, walk toward change and be OK with not getting it right all the time. Do we do the same? Leaders often feel like we have to “have it all figured out,” so we may wait to make a decision or take action. Our team members see that. If we want them to be resilient, we have to walk the same walk.  

Be a better listener.  

If you only show up to talk when something doesn’t go right, your team members won’t have your knowledge and wisdom to help them learn, grow and be resilient during hard times. You have to focus on coaching and mentoring them before hard things happen, so they have the tools they need to navigate the changes or obstacles ahead. Proactive mentoring and listening to their concerns is the key.  

Success is driven through resilience. Create an environment where your team members can build on their ability to be resilient and navigate even the hardest change with an abundance of confidence. 

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