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SuperPower Success

This podcast is like an energy shot without all of the side effects. Our focus is helping you define what real success looks like for you both personally and professionally and bring you experience, advice and real-life stories from some amazing people on their approach to achieving real success. We want to help you harness your natural superpowers for great success!

The Life You Lead Is the Lesson You Teach

The Life You Lead Is the Lesson You Teach

So…this one is a deep one. Be prepared to laugh, maybe cry a little, but truly be impacted. I’m so grateful to have Mick White, a dear friend of mine on the podcast to share his story around finding his purpose and how he is living into it every day. Find out more about Mick’s 100 year manifesto work here:



Humility as a Success Superpower

How do you embrace a beginners mindset, how can humility help you create a career and a journey that leaves a legacy? Kanthi Yalamanchili has had a very unique path to success, one that has forced her to use her humility as a superpower to step into new roles where she had no experience and figure out how to create success. Her journey is one that can inspire us to pay attention to the opportunities that present themselves and go after our dreams.


Connection with Kanthi here:

How Strong is Your Strategic Thinking Muscle?

Many of us spends our days in full execution mode, answering emails, attending meetings and heads down working through issues. We don’t spend much time thinking strategically or planning for the future. And, even if we are given time in our schedule to think, it’s sometimes hard to know where to start. Mary Rapaport, the creator of The Strategic Playground, set out to solve that for leaders. Listen in as she shares with us how to insert strategy into our day to day lives. Learn more about Mary and her workshops at the following links:

The Beauty in Getting “Kicked Off the Wheel”

So many times, in life, circumstances happen to us that make us question our worth, deplete our confidence and sometimes knock us down all together.  But what if that “kicked off the wheel” moment is there to help you find strength in new places?  What if it’s there to help you build muscle for what’s next.  Heather Boshke joins us to share her journey that includes multiple times where she was kicked off the wheel and how each one helped her get closer to who she really was.  
Find out more about Heather, her marketing expertise and her children’s books at the following links:


Navigating the Seasons of our Careers

Any successful person will tell you that their career has had many different seasons.  Seasons when you hit the gas and focus on your career and seasons where you are braking and focusing on your own life or your family.  It’s normal and being able to make the right choices for you at the right time is what leads to sustainable success as a leader.  Jennifer Zick, founder and CEO of Authentic joins us to talk about her success journey in all of the roles that she plays. Connect with Jennifer here:  Jennifer Zick on LinkedIn and learn more about her company Authentic here:  Authentic Website

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SuperPower Success
SuperPower Success
Jaime Taets, Owner, President & Founder

This podcast is like an energy shot without all of the side effects. Our focus is helping you define what real success looks like for you both personally and professionally and bringing your experience, advice and real-life stories from some amazing people on their approach to achieving real success. We want to help you harness your natural superpowers for great success!