clarity break

The Silver Lining

The Silver Lining (of the pandemic) I know it’s hard for many of us to think about given the fact that we are in the middle of the crisis, but I believe there truly is a silver lining that we can focus on instead of the stress and anxiety. As an organization that focuses on…

Building Team Health

Coaching as a Leader: Building Team Health (PART 1)

PART ONE: Building with Intention We all know that leadership roles at any organization come with heaps of responsibility: there are metrics to be analyzed, budgets to be tracked, and progress to be continuously measured and questioned. It is a constant journey that never ends, but we push forward with the hope that we’ll be…

Definition of empathy

Power of Empathy

Power of Empathy What’s one thing you can do to significantly impact your chance of success?  Practice more Empathy. Empathy is no longer looked at as just a soft skill, but something that is increasingly necessary for leaders and managers to increase their effectiveness and drive high performance from their teams. For many people, they…

Definition of Learn

Leaders Who Learn

Leaders Who Learn “Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.”  – William Pollar Leaders are not all created equal. In the world of leadership training and development there is one key factor that I have seen as a…


The Missing Link With Millennials

There are tons of books, articles, and discussions happening around the topic of Millennials.  More than I can ever remember, with any generation, we all seem to be fascinated with this “different” generation.  There are hundreds of books and articles focused on helping you understand them, market to them, communicate with them and hire and retain them.  I…

Return on investment image

The Value of Investing in Yourself

I work and interact everyday with Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Business Leaders who are good at what they do. But one thing I have noticed with 80% of them is that they don’t invest in themselves. They spend their time and energy on everyone and everything else – their employees, their business, their community groups,…