Play the Infinite Game

Play the Infinite Game

Play the Infinite Game In the book The Infinite Game, author Simon Sinek discusses the idea of life and business being an infinite game.  That means there is no winner, there’s just the journey in the game that continues on.  Our goal is not to “win” at life or business, it’s to always be playing,…

Who Were You Before the World Told You Who You Were Supposed to Be?

Who Were You Before the World Told You Who You Were Supposed to Be?

Who were you before the world told you who you were supposed to be? For some of us, this may be a difficult question to answer, especially if we constantly find ourselves trying to conform to what society says we should be. It’s difficult to pull ourselves from the definition of success society has given…

Take a Break

Take a Break

Take a Break I had a great reminder of my need for clarity breaks this morning.  I also had the realization that working remotely when you are used to 60 hours a week and a lot of travel might have seemed like a break in the beginning but it really isn’t a break.  It’s just…


Do You Really Understand Who Your Customer Is? 

Do You Really Understand Who Your Customer Is? Whenever I start a new client engagement, my initial questions always begin with the customer.  Many clients will immediately refer me to their website, where the logos of the companies they work with are proudly presented for all to see. Although displays like this go a long…