Does Overnight Success Exist?
I have been guilty of doing this even though I knew I was learning something important along the way. A very clear example for me was when I celebrated getting a job after graduation. I didn’t celebrate the long nights of job-searching, the no’s I received, or the endless resume editing. All of those things got me to where I am today and it left me with a clear lesson- if I didn’t prepare, work hard, and look for opportunities to grow, I wouldn’t have been able to reach my goal.
Overnight success doesn’t exist- we have to create those opportunities for success ourselves. Success takes work, determination, and even bad times. It’s important to embrace those situations and make them shine because they are part of the process. Every hardship and problem encountered during the journey is a stepping stone to success.
- Use the “stuck” to push forward.
How can you shift your energy to address the issues that arise? The problems and issues you encounter may help shift your perspective and cause you to think differently about your journey.
- Record your journey.
Write, record, or tell someone about your journey. Recording your journey can be both beneficial to you and the people around you. Having the ability to go back and review the steps on your journey can be helpful if you find yourself stuck or unmotivated. Sharing your story with others can help them find a solution to the problems they encounter in their journey or may inspire them to continue forward.
- Celebrate the stepping stones.
Appreciate your entire journey because your passion, dedication, and problems have gotten you where you are today. Your path to whatever success means to you has taught you something and pushed you forward. Each part of our path to success is like a puzzle piece that ultimately completes the bigger picture.
We get lost in only celebrating the good and ‘shiny’ parts of the journey and forget that those bad times propelled us forward. Value and acknowledge the blood, sweat, and tears that have gotten you here today- remember each small step in your journey is a success.
Listen here to our SuperPower Success episode “Does Over Night Success Exist.”Are you ready to start driving results with a realistic and actionable plan that unleashes your full potential?It all starts with a single, intentional conversation.
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