Business Organizational Health Impact on Performance Infographic

Why Organizational Health Matters: Key Insights and Data

In today’s fast-paced business environment, we know that organizational health is crucial for long-term success. However, many organizations struggle with underlying issues that can significantly impact their performance and employee well-being. Our latest infographic delves into the symptoms and effects of poor organizational health, providing an overview of the challenges that can arise when this…

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Is Your Communication Style Horses**t?

Let’s face it: Communication is often a mess. At Keystone Group International, we see this problem all too often. CEO’s who aren’t communicating effectively create a ripple effect that stifles their entire organization. But there’s good news – you can fix it. And here’s how.   Courageous Conversations: The CEO Standard   CEOs struggle to have courageous…

a woman listens intently

Transforming Leadership through Vulnerability and Resilience 

Challenges come in many forms, from navigating through economic downturns to managing interpersonal conflicts within a team. But the essence of leadership lies in how these challenges are met. By facing difficulties with courage and transparency, leaders can forge a path of growth and resilience, setting a powerful example for those they lead.  It might…

diverse group of women working together

Strategic Agility is a Mindset, Not an Event

Research indicates that agile organizations experience long-term EBITDA growth of 16%, compared to 6% for non-agile organizations. In essence, strategic agility allows companies to stay competitive by recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities while also identifying potential threats and mitigating or preventing them.   What is Strategic Agility?  Strategic agility is an organization’s ability to sense…

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The Power of Intentional Communications in the Workplace

According to research by Gartner, 70% of a company’s mistakes are due to poor communication. A poor workplace communication standard often leaves employees feeling unmotivated, leading to an unhappy and unproductive team. Creating intentional communication channels is key to creating a culture of trust. It leads to increased productivity, fewer mistakes, a more motivated team,…

employee trust

How Employee Trust Can Support Company-Wide Adoption of Gen AI

How Employee Trust Can Support Company-Wide Adoption of Gen AI Even with a bullet-proof  strategy, employee adoption of artificial intelligence tools will ultimately determine the successful rollout and implementation in your organization. Taking the right steps to find balance between human interactions and automation is not an easy task for companies undergoing transformation, but will…

woman relaxing by desk

4 Tips to Overcome Employee Restlessness

The ‘great resignation’ might be over, but that doesn’t mean your employees aren’t restless and are potentially looking to make a change. A recent survey of almost 60,000 workers found that employees were happier and more satisfied during the pandemic than today. So, what can you do as a leader to help combat employee restlessness?…

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The Impact of Restlessness

There is a new tension evolving in the business world.  This tension of restlessness on the side of the employees and frustration from leaders.  We each want more, but we aren’t sure what we need.  Our energy is low and it’s compounding the issue.  Dena Mayne, COO of Keystone discusses her perspective and guidance on…