Meeting Our 6 Basic Human Needs During This Time of Uncertainty

Meeting Our 6 Basic Human Needs During This Time of Uncertainty

Meeting Our 6 Basic Human Needs During these times of instability and even chaos, each of us reacts to what is happening around us in a slightly different way. For some of us we might be experiencing different reactions from our employees, from our leaders, from our families and other people in our circles. And…

clarity break

The Silver Lining

The Silver Lining (of the pandemic) I know it’s hard for many of us to think about given the fact that we are in the middle of the crisis, but I believe there truly is a silver lining that we can focus on instead of the stress and anxiety. As an organization that focuses on…

The Generosity Effect

The Generosity Effect

How do you define generosity?  For many of us, our minds go to money and giving money to worthwhile causes, organizations, or people.  And while this is generous, we should also be looking at generosity in terms of our time, talents, and gifts.  In our podcast a few weeks back, we talked about Being Generous…

finish line syndrome

Finish Line Syndrome

Finish Line Syndrome “The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start and keep going.” -Unknown As we go through life, there are so many “races” that we run both personally and professionally.  And most of the time those races test our mental fortitude and sanity, they push…

Return on investment image

The Value of Investing in Yourself

I work and interact everyday with Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Business Leaders who are good at what they do. But one thing I have noticed with 80% of them is that they don’t invest in themselves. They spend their time and energy on everyone and everything else – their employees, their business, their community groups,…