Understanding Your Business Faith

This is John Gamades from OrangeBall. When Jaime asked me to guest blog on the topic of faith, I had no idea what today’s environment would look or feel like. It was months ago, and we were wrapping up our annual EOS planning session, setting some lofty goals that would really push us. At that moment, faith looked very different. Today, based on where we’re at, it feels much more real.

A little background to set the stage. I’m a Christian guy who goes to church on Sundays and leads a men’s Bible study on Wednesday nights. I’m involved in a Christian peer advisory group. Both of my business partners are Christian as well. My faith is very personal to me, and it’s woven tightly into everything I do. I’m not a Bible thumper, but if I get to know you well enough, the topic of faith might come up or I might offer to pray for you. Don’t let that scare you away.

Two months ago, as Jaime was working with our team on our goals and EOS rocks, we landed on some big leaps we needed to take if we were going to grow the way we want to. Hiring was one of those leaps, and it is a common and challenging leap for most business owners to take. I’ve talked to many of you about this subject. It comes with a lot of responsibility and can be scary. At that moment as we discussed hiring, that’s where Jaime challenged us with this question…

“You guys talk a big game when it comes to faith – now you need to act on it.”

It was a shot across the bow for our team. Talking about faith wasn’t going to be enough. We needed to lean into it. We needed to get uncomfortable and trust something bigger than us to help make this happen.

“Trust enables you to stretch further and try things that you wouldn’t otherwise.”

That question has led me down a rabbit hole (lots of time to reflect these days) thinking about faith and how it relates to work. At its core, faith is all about trust. I can’t tell you the number of times as an entrepreneur that I’ve had to do things without any assurance of the outcome. It’s like rock climbing, where you trust that your harness and the ropes will catch you if you fall. And, if you do trust in your equipment and the person on the other end of the line, you can take more significant risks. Trust enables you to stretch further and try things that you wouldn’t otherwise.

How does this play out for me?

From a “This guy loves Jesus” perspective, faith requires me to trust in things I can’t see. It’s taught me to let go of the things I can’t control, and work hard on the things I can, which is challenging for a confessed control freak. My faith has been a source of strength when the struggles have come (we all have them) and a continual reminder that I’m enough. It’s also helped me focus on what really matters vs. all the distractions.

There’s another side to my faith as well. It’s a different type of faith, less spiritual, and more relational. It’s a deep faith in people – my partners, my team, my clients, and the ones I’m sharing this journey with. It’s complete confidence in the individuals I’m surrounded by – in their core values, how they work, and what drives them. It’s knowing we’re aligned, on the same team, and striving for the same things.

On a typical day, faith is an integral part of everything I do. Today, as I’m typing this from my basement and practicing responsible social distancing, it has taken on a different meaning. Not more meaning, just different. From my faith in God to my faith in other people, I’ve come to realize that none of us are in this alone, even when we’re physically isolated. And, that without faith, there wouldn’t be hope, and without hope… well, there’s not much to say after that.

“If we truly have faith in something, our actions should reflect it.”

A good friend of mine wraps his definition of faith up this way, “If you truly believe what you say you believe, how is your life different? And if your life isn’t different, do you really believe what you say you believe?” His point is simple. If we truly have faith in something, our actions should reflect it.

Now is one of those times in our lives when our actions and how we show up are being put to the test. The real depth of our faith is on the line. My hope for each of you reading this is that your faith stays strong. Maybe that’s spiritual for you; maybe it’s relational… wherever your faith lies, now is the time to turn your trust into something more.

Are you ready to start driving results with a realistic and actionable plan that unleashes your full potential?It all starts with a single, intentional conversation. 

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