Why You Can’t Cut Your Way to Growth 📈

Why You Can’t Cut Your Way to Growth 📈

Companies are constantly looking for ways to cut costs to stay profitable. It’s a buzz topic in boardrooms and a concern that generates endless questions from businesses struggling to navigate market shifts, new technologies, and changing consumer behaviors. However, cost-cutting alone can’t be your only strategy for survival, let alone growth.  In stressful times, it’s…

Aligning Leadership Values and Creating Collaborative Spaces with Marney Andes

Aligning Leadership Values and Creating Collaborative Spaces with Marney Andes

Living By Your Values During Jaime’s interview with Marney Andes on the Superpower Success Podcast, Marney emphasized that the cornerstone of effective leadership is living by your values. She suggests that whenever leaders feel directionless or stuck, they should return to their core values as a guiding principle. Values serve as a reliable yardstick to…

ways to hold your clients accountable

14 Ways to Hold Your Clients Accountable

From reflecting information back to emphasizing win-win timelines, here are 14 answers to the question, “Can you share your most effective tips for holding your coaching/consulting clients accountable?” TLDR: 14 Ways to Hold Your Client Accountable Parrot Back and Remind Them of their Whys Document Everything from Start to Finish Establish Clear and Measurable Goals…

Jaime Taets Lessons From The Mountain

Lessons from the Mountain: Connectors vs Collectors

When you climb a mountain for 7 days, you have a lot of time alone with your thoughts. I would think during my hikes all day long, while on our breaks looking at beautiful panoramas, and especially in my tent at night when everything was quiet and I could reflect on my day. Because the…

High Turnover Can Be OK
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High Turnover Can Be Okay

A common indicator of success for businesses, and many HR departments, is a low turnover rate. With that standard, understanding high turnover can be accepted is not generally understood. For many years, our organization prided itself on retaining employees with long tenures. We relied on all the knowledge the employees had and ran our business…

culture in small teams
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The Importance of Culture in Small Teams

There’s been a lot of conversation about workplace culture, but what exactly is it? Why are workplace culture and employee engagement so important? How does one create and nurture a good, productive working environment? Let’s find out… What is Workplace Culture? Workplace culture is the overall environment in which you work. It includes the physical…

healthy workplace culture

12 Ways to Gauge if Your Workplace Culture Is Healthy

12 Ways to Gauge if Your Workplace Culture Is Healthy From monitoring attrition rates to assessing your culture, here are 12 answers to the question, “What are the best ways to gauge if your workplace culture is healthy?” Measure Your Attrition Conduct Anonymous Employee Surveys Analyze Social Attendance Ask, “Are Disagreements Productive?” Check if Appreciation…

conscious leadership

15 Reasons Ongoing Development and Learning Are Important for Conscious Leadership

From staying competitive to motivate employees to maintaining relevance, here are the 15 answers to the question, “What are your best reasons ongoing development and learning are important for conscious leadership?” Stay Competitive and Motivate Employees Help Leaders Connect to Others Improved Financial Performance Recruit and Keep Top Employees Boost Engagement in the Workplace Make…

Oxygen Mask

Effective Leaders Must Put Their Own Oxygen Masks On First

When you board a flight, the safety video tells you that in the event of a loss of pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the compartment above your seat. But have you ever wondered why they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others? It’s because without oxygen, we lose…