improving work culture

Improving Work Culture to Get Closer to Employees

Impacting your company’s culture can be hard to grasp and may feel ambiguous. You may question how can I change how employees feel about working here. How do you measure their feelings? Our organization had those thoughts when I started the business in 2018. At the time, we tried to capture employee satisfaction with a…

High Turnover Can Be OK
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High Turnover Can Be Okay

A common indicator of success for businesses, and many HR departments, is a low turnover rate. With that standard, understanding high turnover can be accepted is not generally understood. For many years, our organization prided itself on retaining employees with long tenures. We relied on all the knowledge the employees had and ran our business…

culture in small teams
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The Importance of Culture in Small Teams

There’s been a lot of conversation about workplace culture, but what exactly is it? Why are workplace culture and employee engagement so important? How does one create and nurture a good, productive working environment? Let’s find out… What is Workplace Culture? Workplace culture is the overall environment in which you work. It includes the physical…

healthy workplace culture

12 Ways to Gauge if Your Workplace Culture Is Healthy

12 Ways to Gauge if Your Workplace Culture Is Healthy From monitoring attrition rates to assessing your culture, here are 12 answers to the question, “What are the best ways to gauge if your workplace culture is healthy?” Measure Your Attrition Conduct Anonymous Employee Surveys Analyze Social Attendance Ask, “Are Disagreements Productive?” Check if Appreciation…

Team engagement

12 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Re-Engage Your Teams

From recognizing achievements to motivating your employees, here are the 12 answers to the question, “What are some things you can start doing today to re-engage your teams?” Recognize Achievements and Praise Change the Tone of Your Business Communications Reward Creativity Normalize Collaboration Through Daily Input Take Them Outside for Fresh Air Upskill Across Departments…

generational workplace
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The Power of a Strong Generational Workplace

The Power of a Strong Generational Workplace “Boomers are uncomfortable with technology and have no idea how to use the internet to increase efficiency.  They only want to do it how they’ve always done it. They are oblivious to how the internet and social media could accomplish more faster.” “Millennials feel entitled and expect constant…

work culture

The Top 3 Myths about Building a Strong Culture

The Top 3 Myths about Building a Strong Culture Business is about the people; we’ve all heard that before.  But as leaders, many of us don’t put enough focus on why this is truly important in our business.  People drive everything good and everything bad that happens in our environments.  They can be our best asset and competitive advantage and…


The Missing Link With Millennials

There are tons of books, articles, and discussions happening around the topic of Millennials.  More than I can ever remember, with any generation, we all seem to be fascinated with this “different” generation.  There are hundreds of books and articles focused on helping you understand them, market to them, communicate with them and hire and retain them.  I…