The Keystone Team

Mike Grigsby

Mike Grigsby

The Keystone Team

Mike Grigsby

Mike Grigsby is a seasoned technology executive and a recognized thought leader in digital transformation.

Having served in multiple Chief Information Officer (CIO) roles in both the public and private sectors, Mike has established himself as an influential and strategic collaborator, with a deep passion for helping organizations and individuals navigate the challenges of digital disruption and find success across every facet of business operations.

Mike believes that technology is designed to augment our human experiences; therefore, true technology success cannot be achieved without achieving corresponding success in the supporting elements of people, processes, and culture.

Mike leads change from an incredibly diverse background and worldview. With more than 20 years as a technology executive, he has transformed complex enterprise environments and conducted smart city and digital transformation consulting worldwide. He maintains a diverse global network and frequently collaborates and strategizes across a broad spectrum of clients, industries, and colleagues.