If You Are in It, You Can’t Always See a Better Way

If You Are in It, You Can’t Always See a Better Way

Klaus Lemke, Managing Principal at Midion, shares his journey to helping organizations and leaders get unstuck by asking different questions and showing them a better way. So many of us use the same thinking to solve our problems instead of challenging ourselves to think differently and have fearless experimentation. Here is a link to Klaus…

christi cosette

Own It, Own It All

The more we work on ourselves, the more successful we will be in all aspects of our lives. Dawn Dahlby is a successful entreprenuer, speaker and Author of Live WELLthy, and she attributes her success to decades of personal development work. She works on herself so she can be better for those around you. Her…

Women happily work together.
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The Great Culture Recalibration

Creating and maintaining a strong culture in your business is a critical factor in driving sustainable business results, and the solution to creating a competitive advantage. And while 90% of executives say culture is important, only 15% of them say their culture is where they want it to be.  We’re going to break down the…

woman relaxing by desk

4 Tips to Overcome Employee Restlessness

The ‘great resignation’ might be over, but that doesn’t mean your employees aren’t restless and are potentially looking to make a change. A recent survey of almost 60,000 workers found that employees were happier and more satisfied during the pandemic than today. So, what can you do as a leader to help combat employee restlessness?…

Win in 2024 by Focusing on the Strengths of Your People

Win in 2024 by Focusing on the Strengths of Your People

In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to stay ahead of the curve. While technology and innovation play a significant role in achieving success, it is essential not to overlook one of the most valuable assets any company has – its PEOPLE. Employees often possess untapped potential that goes unnoticed or underutilized….